

Welcome to mindflowyoga training. Yoga training that gives you the freedom and strength to be the yoga practitioner you want to be.

What graduates say about our courses

Our Mission
Making traditional yoga relevant to the 21st Century.

We take the traditional and make it relevant to today's yoga practioners and teachers. Our yoga courses take you through in depth asana, yoga philosophy, energetic practices such as mudra, mantra and bhanda.

Our yoga teacher training school is accredited by BWY, IYN and Yoga Alliance. We give our teachers the highest level of training we can. They graduate able to teach and integrate almost all aspects of yoga into their mainstream classes.

The courses include professional development and the business of yoga. The courses interweave yoga philosophy, teaching, asana, and professional development in order to empower the student teacher and give you confidence to really use the qualification.

Mindflowyoga is actively engaging the future of yoga. We do this by giving our students a thorough education in yoga. We know that western yoga has been brought forward since the 1970s, and we are grateful to those practitioners who have maintained it through till now. However we also believe that this is not 1970/1980 or 1990. The future of yoga is in the hands of the millenials and it is because of them that we have risen to the challenge of producing an amazing, better educated, groundswell of younger teachers. Younger teachers who are capable of confidently teaching good yoga, and can integrate asana, pranayama, mantra, and philosophy into their mainstream classes.

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