This course is specifically for those who wish to use breath work for relief from Lockdown fatigue. It's also ideal for qualified yoga teachers who wish to teach pranayama and mantra in mainstream classes or to advanced students who wish to gain in-depth knowledge.
Mindflowyoga is accredited BWY, IYN and Yoga Alliance training school.
The course is just under 1 year long and has written and practical homework.
The practices of pranayama are explored thoroughly, deepening and stabilizing physical and mental control alongside rhythmic breath, ratio breathing.
The course covers a more in-depth integration of energetic bhanda and mudra, traditional bastriki, kapalabhati, and nadi shodhana. These are fully practiced alongside a variety of other pranayama techniques. The course is also great for those who wish for a better understanding of the correct application of mantra. Our course gives students an understanding of both the Sanskrit alphabet, understanding mantra enunciation and physical (tongue – mouth – breath ) conveyance, alongside the more empathic heart – mind connection.
The Qualification
Graduates receive a qualification to teach if previously qualified as a yoga teacher or a certificate of attendance (transferable* ) if not yet qualified.
Teaching Pranayama
What People Say:
“An amazing course! A must for all practitioners of yoga” – L Johnson “I started the course to simply manage my anxiety, now every breath brings peace” – Jane King
Feeling Free In A World Of Lockdowns
NEW Pranayama Course
There are some changes to Mindflowyoga's Pranayama Course:
Almost entirely online
Its a Covid thing. We are studying working with breath - Covid transmission through droplets prevents us from being in one room. If we can possibly meet in an open air environment we will endeavor to do so.
Who is this course for?
If you're suffering with 'lockdown' fatigue in any way! The course will teach you how to take control using Pranayama
The course is also perfect for practitioners of yoga who wish to have a deeper understanding of pranayama advancing their personal practice of asana to another level. The pranayama course is also a module for qualified yoga teachers who wish to develop their own teaching methodology and progress student understanding.
What does the course cover?
The course covers an in-depth integrated breath-work, classical pranayamas, with energetic practices of mudra and bandha. These are practiced alongside a variety of other pranayama and kriya techniques from Tibetan lineages. The course gives an understanding of both the Sanskrit alphabet, powerful seed mantras, mantra enunciation and mental focus. We also provide guidance into the empathic heart–mind connection.
You will be expected to keep a daily diary. This should be sent electronically to the course tutor at the end of each (2 week) practice period.
The teaching qualification requires an additional day of face-to-face assessment, and homework lesson planning, plus and end of course essay.
Is there a certificate?
All our courses are certified.
The teaching qualification will receive an advanced certification.
What’s the difference in the teaching qualification?
Level 1: Basic Course.
For students of yoga who simple wish to learn more and develop their personal practice of pranayama, mantra and meditation.
This cost includes all teaching time plus a manual of practices and access to recorded teaching sessions, when they become available. As a participant you will be expected to attend 80% of the course dates plus maintain a daily practice and diary keeping.
You will be awarded a certificate of attendance at the end of the course.
Level 2: Teaching qualification Accredited by Mindflowyoga teacher training school. Mindflowyoga is accredited by BWY, IYN and YAP.
This includes an additional day of face-to-face assessment, homework lesson planning and an essay.
You will be expected to keep a daily diary, which should be sent electronically at the end of each (2 week) practice period to the course tutor.
You will not be able to teach until you have a valid Yoga Teacher Certificate. However we will assess your teaching and homework and honor the certification once you have completed a valid course either with Mindflowyoga or another organization (within a two year period of course completion).
Additional Cost £100.00 We are hoping to offer this face to face in a socially distanced classroom, if this is not possible then this will be arranged on Zoom.
Teaching assessment day: Sunday 24th October 1- 6pm if we cannot socially distance due to restrictions; we will offer an additional day for assessment.